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Beginning of last year, I was planning to revive this blog, and I managed fully two posts before I stopped writing.

I am giving this a new try. My goal (let’s see how well it goes) is to document my projects along the way. Let’s get started then.

This time I have changed from WordPress to a “Static Site Generator”, Hugo. This means that this full site is made up with HTML pages. This might sound normal, as all pages on the web (maybe not all, but most) are HTML pages rendered by a web browser.

The difference is (compared to e.g. WordPress) is that a static site requires much less of the webserver, the only thing the server needs to do is serve files; no computation, databases or other special performance required.

The theme used is Minimo, with a few tweaks to suit my application.


Hugo :: A fast and modern static website engine
Minimo - A minimalist theme for Hugo

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