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As part of some migrations I wanted to in part remove VPN requirement and in part use Cloudflare for authentication. I will be using Cloudflare Tunnel combined with Cloudflare Access1. We will start by setting up an simple nginx server, expose it to the web using Cloudflare Tunnel, and finally add authentication in front using Cloudflare Access1.

Table of Contents


  • Having an environment with docker
  • Following docker images will be used:
  • Having a domain name setup with Cloudflare

Setting up a webserver

A simple nginx webserver can be up and running using the following command:

docker run --rm -p 8888:80 nginx

Navigate to http://localhost:8888/ to ensure the webserver is running and is able to serve data.

Setting upp Cloudflare Tunnel

Using Cloudflare Tunnel we will now expose the previously created webserver to the domain

My working folder for mounting the docker volume will be W:\cf.

Authorising the Cloudflare daemon

We start of by authorising the container access to manage the Cloudflare domain (i.e. giving api access for domain):

docker run --rm -it -v \workingfolder:/home/nonroot/.cloudflared cloudflare/cloudflared:2022.1.0 tunnel login

This will show a link. Open the link in your web browser, sign into your Cloudflare dashboard, and select the domain you wish to use. In my case the selected domain will be A popup will show confirming the authorization, select Authorize.

> docker run --rm -it -v W:\cf:/home/nonroot/.cloudflared cloudflare/cloudflared:2022.1.0 tunnel login
Please open the following URL and log in with your Cloudflare account:

Leave cloudflared running to download the cert automatically.
2022-01-30T11:28:02Z INF Waiting for login...
You have successfully logged in.
If you wish to copy your credentials to a server, they have been saved to:

Creating the tunnel

Next step is to create the tunnel and give it its’ name2:

docker run --rm -it -v \workingfolder:/home/nonroot/.cloudflared cloudflare/cloudflared:2022.1.0 tunnel create <name>
> docker run --rm -it -v W:\cf:/home/nonroot/.cloudflared cloudflare/cloudflared:2022.1.0 tunnel create example
Tunnel credentials written to /home/nonroot/.cloudflared/8f2330b4-e661-4ce2-a290-f5b57970fa02.json. cloudflared chose this file based on where your origin certificate was found. Keep this file secret. To revoke these credentials, delete the tunnel.

Created tunnel example with id 8f2330b4-e661-4ce2-a290-f5b57970fa02

Note the id3 of the tunnel above, as this will be used later to configure the tunnel.

If we have multiple tunnels, we can also list available tunnels:

docker run --rm -it -v \workingfolder:/home/nonroot/.cloudflared cloudflare/cloudflared:2022.1.0 tunnel list

Configuring the tunnel

Next step is to create a tunnel configuration file. The documentation for the configuration can be found here. In our case the config.yaml looks like the following:

tunnel: 8f2330b4-e661-4ce2-a290-f5b57970fa02
credentials-file: /home/nonroot/.cloudflared/8f2330b4-e661-4ce2-a290-f5b57970fa02.json

  - hostname:
    service: http://jain10.jain.lan:8888
  - service: http_status:404

Setting up DNS records

We also need to setup DNS records for the tunnel. This can be done manually or automatically using the cloudflared service.

docker run --rm -it -v \workingfolder:/home/nonroot/.cloudflared cloudflare/cloudflared:2022.1.0 tunnel route dns <name> <hostname>

In our case it looks like this:

> docker run --rm -it -v W:\cf:/home/nonroot/.cloudflared cloudflare/cloudflared:2022.1.0 tunnel route dns example
2022-01-30T11:56:58Z INF Added CNAME which will route to this tunnel tunnelID=8f2330b4-e661-4ce2-a290-f5b57970fa02

If we were to add this DNS record manually, it looks like this:

Target: <id>
Proxy status: Proxied
TTL: Auto

In our case it looks like the following:

Name: nginx
Proxy status: Proxied
TTL: Auto

Running the tunnel

Final step is to activate the tunnel:

docker run --rm -it -v \workingfolder:/home/nonroot/.cloudflared cloudflare/cloudflared:2022.1.0 tunnel run <name>
> docker run --rm -it -v W:\cf:/home/nonroot/.cloudflared cloudflare/cloudflared:2022.1.0 tunnel run example

  1. Securing the exposed web server with Cloudflare Access will be a separate post. [return]
  2. Ensure to replace <name> with the actual name of the tunnel. [return]
  3. In this case the id is 8f2330b4-e661-4ce2-a290-f5b57970fa02 [return]
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