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Say you use multiple users on your local client, but find switching user back and forth between them cumbersome. One option then is to use Remote Desktop (RDP). Unfortunately, it is not completely straight forward to connect to your own machine.

Windows Remote Desktop Connection dialog (mstsc)

Windows Remote Desktop Connection dialog (mstsc)

Unable to connect to local client

Unable to connect to local client

Of course, where there is a problem (and I’m writing about it) there exists a solution. The solution this time is called RDP Wrapper Library.

  1. Start by downloading and extracting the library from the RDP Wrapper Releases page. (See links below for a local copy.)
  2. In the folder you should find the following files:
    • RDPCheck.exe
    • RDPConf.exe
    • RDPWInst.exe
    • install.bat
    • uninstall.bat
    • update.bat
  3. Run install.bat
  4. A UAC prompt may request administrator access.
  5. Wait until the installation is successfully completed.
    Installing the wrapper library

    Installing the wrapper library

  6. Upon completion run RDPConfig.exe.
  7. Another UAC prompt may request administrator access.
  8. Tick Enable Remote Desktop and press Apply.
  9. The configuration screen should be like the picture below:

    The wrapper configuration

    The wrapper configuration

    Wrapper state: Installed
    Service State: Running
    Listener state: Listening
  10. Press OK to close

  11. Upon completion run RDPCheck.exe to verify.

  12. Another UAC prompt may request administrator access.

  13. A remote desktop prompt will show, press Connect.

    Checking the connection

    Checking the connection

  14. If the library was successfully installed a window should pop up with a login screen to your local client requesting password.

    Logon screen on the local client

    Logon screen on the local client

  15. Let us now try to connect to localhost again using Windows Remote Desktop Connection.

    RDP logon screen

    RDP logon screen

  16. But we get the same error as above?

    Unable to connect, again

    Unable to connect, again

  17. AS far as I have been able to understand, there is a limitation in Windows Remote Desktop Connection program which disallows connection to either localhost or the loopback address

  18. There is fortunately a simple workaround; connect to the server

    RDP Logon screen, server address

    RDP Logon screen, server address


Github - RDP Wrapper Library by Stas’M Github - RDP Wrapper Releases Local Mirror - RDP Wrapper 1.6.1 (PW: 12345678)

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